John 1:1-18
By the time we reach the Seventh day of the Christmas Octave my heart and my mind have been invited to move in so many different directions. It is quite a challenge. So today I value the familiarity of the Prologue of John’s Gospel. The rhythm and the repetition of the words still me in a way that I can’t quite explain.
In trying to choose an image to reflect the profundity of the text I was drawn back again and again to the verse which always stands out for me:
The Word was made flesh, he lived among us,
and we saw his glory, the glory that is his
as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
It’s the idea of Jesus living among us that always speaks to me. I like to think of him doing normal things, learning crafts from his mother and father. In his ordinary life those around him see his glory.
Where have you seen glory during this Christmas Octave?