Luke 19:1-10 Last week’s parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector may still be lingering in our scriptural imaginations. We’ve had our preconceptions challenged a little and we know that the Jesus of Luke’s Gospel champions the outcast. Within the first verse of today’s text we already have a challenge: ‘Jesus entered Jericho and …
Monthly Archives: October 2022
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time
Luke 18:9-14 In ‘Witness’, a series of radio plays on Luke’s Gospel by Mark Warburton, the character of Jesus is cast with a Northern accent, and he tells the parable of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee with such gentle humour. I think we often miss the passages in the Bible that would have raised …
Twenty Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Luke 18:1-8 I often hope that the Sunday Gospel will be ‘my bread’ for the week ahead. I have my own work to do in this by engaging with the text. I hope to be inspired and challenged. This week’s text of the Unjust Judge presents me with a huge challenge. Luke has framed the …
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Luke 17:11-19 In this week’s Gospel we enter the third and final section of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Luke gives us a geographical marker: On the way to Jerusalem Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. Scholarly opinion differs as to how accurate this description might be but what is certain is that …
Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Luke 17:5-10 In the opening of his Rule St Benedict makes an invitation to anyone who is serious about seeking God: ‘Is there anyone here who yearns for life and desires to see good days?‘ To those who respond he says: ‘See how the Lord in his love shows us the way of life. Clothed …