Thursday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Genesis 17:3-9Psalm 104(105):4-9John 8:51-59 The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. Using the responsorial psalm verse as a repeated prayer or mantra can often be a very helpful way into the Liturgy of the Word. It’s especially helpful today as the theme of covenant links our readings. God’s faithfulness to us and our faithfulness to …

Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Daniel 3:14-20,24-25,28John 8:31-42  In much of John’s Gospel Jesus speaks to people who struggle to understand him. He speaks figuratively and his hearers assume he is being concrete. We, however, are so used to quotations from the Gospels and usually can grasp their meaning. ‘If you make my word your homeyou will indeed be my …