John 21:15-19 That Peter and Paul share a feast day has always struck me as a testament to the fact that from the beginning the Christian community had to navigate different styles of leadership and different opinions. Peter had first hand knowledge of Jesus and Paul did not. It is almost inevitable that they wouldn’t …
Monthly Archives: June 2023
Birthday of St John the Baptist
Luke 1:57-66,80 What will this child turn out to be? I have always loved this line from Luke’s account of the Birth of John the Baptist. The reader knows just who he will turn out to be. And yet, I am always caught up in a feeling of expectancy and possibilities. An earlier line in …
Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
Matthew 24:4-13 In the Collect for today’s feast we hear these words; ‘graciously grant that, strengthened through the intercession of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More, we may confirm by the witness of our life the faith we profess with our lips.’ This encapsulates the basic truth that the faith into which we were baptised …
Sacred Heart
Deuteronomy 7:6-111 John 4:7-16Matthew 11:25-30 If the Lord set his HEART on you and chose you, it was not because you outnumbered other peoples: you were the least of all peoples. It was for LOVE of you and to keep the oath he swore to your fathers that the Lord brought you out with his …
Corpus Christi
Deut 8:2-3, 14b-16a1 Corinthians 10:16-17John 6:51-58 For many years anthropologists told us that the sharing of food was something unique to humans. More recent studies suggest that some species of primate will share food, but not tools or toys. Some species will not fight back if their food is taken. This is of course, is …
Trinity Sunday
Exodus 34:4-6,8-92 Corinthians 13:11-13John 3:16-18 The mystics believed that we are all born with a capacity for God (Capax Dei). St Augustine believed that this capacity makes it possible for the human person to be re-formed through God’s gracious gift. It has become common place for society to be described as ‘post Christian’ or as ‘secular’. …