International Women’s Day and St Frances of Rome

Later today we will celebrate First Vespers of one of our Olivetan forebears, St Frances of Rome. She was wife, mother, widow and founder of the monastery of Tor de’ Specchi in Rome. The accounts of her life bear all the traditional hallmarks of hagiographical writing. She is a special child. Her mother knows this from …

Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent

Jeremiah 18:18-20Matthew 20:16-28 Traditionally, in the weekdays of Lent, Wednesdays and Fridays are days of special focus on Christ’s passion. Today that focus is very clear. As Jesus journeys to Jerusalem he warns the disciples of the events that will unfold. He has taken the path to suffering. Quite naturally, this is beyond the comprehension …

Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent

Isaiah 1:10. 16-20Matthew 23:1-12 Wash, make yourselves clean.Take your wrong-doing out of my sight.Cease to do evil.Learn to do good,search for justice,help the oppressed,be just to the orphan,plead for the widow. This is one of my favourite pieces of Hebrew poetry. It has a rhythm which makes it easy to memorise. It’s an uncompromising message …

Monday in the Second Week of Lent

Daniel 9:4-10Luke 6:36-38 Today, in the first reading from Daniel, the prophet looks back over Israel’s covenant relationship. He fully acknowledges that Israel has strayed far from God and to them ‘the look of shame belongs.’ Israel is now completely dependent on God’s mercy. In Luke today Jesus invites his disciples to ‘be compassionate as …